International Conference ”EU: Building links to Eastern Partnership Countries”

March 15-16th, 2023 took place the International Conference “EU: Building links to Eastern Partnership Countries” within Jean Monnet project “Horizons of Moldova’s European Union Integration: Realities and Perspectives”/EUforY organized with the support of EU within the Erasmus+ Programme.
The event was organized by Moldova State University and hosted at the premises of Mediacor.
The International Conference was organized in a hybrid mode, therefore it was attended physically by representatives from at least 5 countries and virtually by guests and speakers from 2 other countries. The total number of participants within 2 conference days was more than 120 persons.
The event’s program was designed to captivate the attention of the guests, speakers, and panelists.
The primary focus of the conference was to encourage collaboration among academia, policymakers, civil society, and youth concerning EU policies, with particular emphasis on political, economic, and cultural matters.

Objectives of the conference:

  • ​To foster and strengthen understanding and awareness of Target Groups regarding the quality of education and Eastern Partnership (EaP)-EU common scientific and technological activities;
  • ​To promote the involvement of the Target Groups in a public policy dialogue regarding the European Integration of Moldova compared to other countries covered by EaP;
  • ​To inform and raise awareness of representatives of the academic world, youths, researchers, young professionals, and civil society on regional and local levels on the importance of the EU shared values for the development of the country and to promote their engagement in the policy dialogue in their local communities;
  • ​To improve the involvement, raise awareness, and inform the wider public on the progress achieved towards the economic association of Moldova with the EU due to access to EU funding programmes.

Conference was opened by:

Aurelia HANGANU –  Vice-Rector, Moldova State University

Claudia MELINTE – Coordinator, National Erasmus+ Office in Moldova

Elena SIMCIUC – Jean Monnet Project Coordinator, Head of the Office for Projects and Grants, International Relations Department, Moldova State University

1st day sessions:

SESSION 1.1: EU: Building links to Eastern Partnership Countries through education
SESSION 1.2: Digital transformation of HEIs

2nd day sessions:

PARALLEL SESSION 2.1.1: Knowledge Economy – universal language for the EU and MD
PARALLEL SESSION 2.1.2: EU-Moldova: Establishing reliable partnership with shared common interests and goals.
SESSION 2.2: Political and economic cooperation of the Eastern Partnership Countries with EU
SESSION 2.3: Investing in future: youth, culture and education

Disclaimer: The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


PRESS RELEASE International Conference ”EU: Building links to Eastern Partnership Countries”

Hurry up to register at

Conference Areas:
Knowledge Economy – universal language for the EU and MD.
Investing in future: youth, culture and education.
Political and economic cooperation of the Eastern Partnership Countries with EU.
EU foreign Policy and international relations of EU: Building links to Eastern Partnership Countries.
EU-Moldova: Establishing reliable partnership with shared common interests and goals.

Key Information:
Dates: March 15-16, 2023
Registration deadline: March 10, 2023
Agenda: will be provided soon
Abstract submission deadline: March 10, 2023
Paper submission deadline: March 10, 2023

Publications: Articles will be edited in the conference proceedings. AUTHOR’S GUIDELINES – 

Working languages:

For more information about the conference, you may also contact the organisers at:  

Seminar “Jean Monnet good practices in the context of European studies and EU promotion”

December 12-17th, 2022 took place the Seminar “Jean Monnet good practices in the context of European studies and EU promotion” organized within the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet 619953-EPP-1-2020-1-MD-EPPJMO-PROJECT “Horizons of the integration of the Republic of Moldova in the EU: Realities and perspectives” EuforY.

Seminar was held in 3 cities of the Republic of Moldova: Chisinau, Balti, and Comrat in a hybrid format with international participation from Romania, working languages: English, Romanian, and Russian, more than 210 participants were trained at the seminar (130 participants physical and 80 participants online).


  • Claudia Melinte, Coordinator National Erasmus+ Office in Moldova: Training course Methodology and introduction of the participants in new generation of Jean Monnet projects (Program Guide 2023), Call 2022-2023, configurations and application experience;
  • Elena Simciuc, Coordinator of Jean Monnet project, Moldova State University: Jean Monnet Action and objectives of Seminar, how to Prepare Good Proposals for Jean Monnet Action, how to apply, information on EACEA’s funding opportunities, EU programmer for education, training, youth and sport, project results;
  • Tatiana Bulimaga, Head of International Relations Department: Designing a Jean Monnet proposal (The project proposal approach, what is a proposal?), The cycle of operations (Programming, Identification, Formulation, Implementation, Evaluation & Audit), Logical Framework Approach, at the end of the presentations, was a Simulation exercise: Application elaboration, independent work of the participants of the seminar on filling in the key fields, followed by discussions, answers to questions and exchange of opinions between participants and speakers.

The second part of the seminar, knowledge exchange: Best MD Practices, Winners of JM project, selection 2022:

  • Jean Monnet Chairs: Europeanisation of Moldova through a circular economy that works for consumers (ECOCONS); EU Studies for Human Rights Protection and Alternative Dispute Resolution (EU4JUST) Plotnic Olesea,
  • Jean Monnet Chair European Union – Area of Justice, Security and Freedom (EUJUSEF), Ludmila Golovataya,
  • Jean Monnet Center of Excellence Strengthening democratic sustainability through civic education (SDSCE), Ludmila Rosca,
  • Jean Monnet Module the European Identity Development Through Culture in the Process of European Integration (TEIDCIPEI), Ludmila Lazarev.