PRESS RELEASE Seminar “Jean Monnet good practices in the context of European studies and EU promotion”

Dear academic community, students and young professionals,
If you are an expert in the field of European Studies or you are just interested in the values ​​of the European Union and you want to apply an Erasmus+ Jean Monnet project to the project competition in the year 2023, then we urge you to include in your calendar 1.5 days that you will spend with a team that will help you understand the type of Jean Monnet projects, the application rules and the key points in the application form.
In this context, we are pleased to inform you that the “Jean Monnet good practices in the context of European studies and EU promotion” seminar, organized within the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet project no. 619953-EPP-1-2020-1-MD-EPPJMO-PROJECT “Horizons of the integration of the Republic of Moldova in the European Union: Realities and Perspectives” will be organized between December 12-17, 2022 in Chisinau, Comrat and Balti in a hybrid format.
12-13th of December 2022 in Chisinau at Moldova State University
14-15th of December 2022 in Balti at Alecu Russo State University
16-17th of December 2022 in Comrat at Comarat State University
If you are interested in the mentioned topic, do not miss the chance to participate in this event, where experienced and knowledgeable guests will be present to carry out interactive activities and present case studies useful for writing and successfully implementing an Erasmus+ project Jean Monnet.
Strengthening the general public’s awareness of how Jean Monnet’s activities support European values, their impact and their role on the community.
Working languages: Romanian or English.
Who can participate?
*students, masters, doctoral students;
*youth associations;
*university lecturers and researchers, student associations, interested *administrative staff;
*representatives of public administration and regional administrations who mainly work with EU legislation/policy and therefore require both theoretical and practical training in European integration issues;
*representatives of the diplomatic mission;
*local civil servants and NGO leaders;
*the general public (including local media).
Materials: participants will receive information about the project, the brochure “EU without borders” and the guide “Guide to EU funding”.
Application deadline: December 5, 2022